Tuesday 29 October 2013


If you read the McKinsey Reports, analyse the PISA data, review the research evidence about 'what works' and listen to people like Ken Robinson, Dan Pink and Tony Wagner it is increasingly obvious that we need to develop skills, character and knowledge in our little learners and our bigger learners.
The challenge as always is how we do it. We need to work together to share ideas and strategies and to continue to think team and to build co-operative, collaborative approaches that inspire young people to really understand what they are capable of, to dispel the nonsense about genius and to help them reach their extraordinary potential. It's important that we all understand that colleagues in schools across the country are already releasing the magic and have transformed the learning landscape through the powerful use of collaborative school improvement approaches and through using brilliant programmes like Every Child a Reader, Every Child Counts, Musical Futures and Learning Futures. We all know great schools that have created a culture of excellence built on passion, persistence, self-belief, determined, focused and deliberate practice and hard work. Great schools where this is balanced by a focus on compassion, equity and a belief that every child can achieve and can be successful!

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