Wednesday 19 June 2013


I was in Guernsey again today working with some great colleagues.
A period of unprecedented change is underway in education systems across the world. The scale and pace of these reforms is being driven by the increasing need for young people to have the skills, character and knowledge to compete for jobs and work on a world stage. Like schools across the world, Guernsey faces new opportunities and challenges. Challenges about how to provide young people on the island with an outstanding education where they achieve outcomes and standards that match up to those achieved in the most successful systems across the world, like Finland, Canada, Korea and Singapore. And, challenges about how we do that in the face of a difficult economic climate where all available resources need to be used more efficiently and more effectively. The exciting thing is that, these challenges present new opportunities for schools on Guernsey to use research about what works, to develop new models and ideas and to share, network and learn together while exercising greater responsibility and accountability over how available resources are used. It is great to work with colleagues in Guernsey as they build brilliant and work to release the magic in every child on the island.

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