Wednesday 25 January 2012

Hillsborough College!

I visited Hillsborough College this morning.

I had been invited by Heather Smith, Executive Director and Principal of Hillsborough College, The Sheffield College to deliver my Educational Excellence 'Made in Sheffield' presentation at her Strategy Day with her managers at the Hillsborough College site. The session aimed to 'inspire and motivate' colleagues to work together with the pilot schools and the Cutlers Company to realise the vision for Sheffield as a 'City of Learning' and it was great to spend some time with this group of colleagues and share their enthusiasm and commitment for learning and great to hear about some of the work they are doing particularly with some of the harder to reach students. Heather was particularly interested in how we might develop the work on character, resilience and grit building on Angela Duckworth's work on grit and Carol Dweck's work on Mindset. It was also encouraging to hear about their interest in working with parents and developing community learning.

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