Monday 19 September 2011

Strategic Thinking!

Knowing where you are going and how to get there — strategy — is everything.
Many headteacher colleagues are overwhelmed by the new agenda and as a result spend too much time managing and not enough time thinking. Our first challenge as leaders must be to focus and think about the big picture. We need to clarify and simplify our message. Half the battle is getting the vision right — it's not about Michael Gove, the DfE or OFSTED but about where do you want to take your school — and passionately getting that across. It doesn't have to be grand, just a compelling and powerful picture that will align your colleagues energy and attention. We obviously need to build consensus and we must constantly ask for lots of feedback, and clarify and refocus the approach based on what people say. We must keep reflecting and adjusting. We must above all be very clear, be very effective and don't be afraid to change course. Staying focused on the big picture in any business is no easy task, but increased thinking and reflection can help you to explain and deliver your leadership strategy. So find out what works, and then keep refining and developing it to build brilliant learning in a brilliant learning place.

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