Thursday 14 April 2011

A Happy Life!

"Remember this - that very little is needed to make a happy life."
Marcus Aurelius

In every school I know, colleagues are working so hard to release the magic! They are trying out new approaches, testing assumptions, experimenting with new ideas, looking carefully at data and outcomes and constantly searching for the magic ingredient that can help us make even more of a difference to the lives of our children and young people, particularly those who are hardest to teach and hardest to reach.
In our constant search for brilliant provision and brilliant outcomes, we must be creative, innovative and intelligent and above all we must be be focused, relentless and uncompromising around real excellence. Only our brilliant best is good enough for our children and young people, their families and the communities we serve. It is important to remember that achieving the outstanding, the brilliant, the magical comes from putting your heart and soul into your work. It is about being passionate and loving what you are doing. This is the only way to bring out your absolute incredible potential. The words 'passion' and 'love' are there because they are the secret to brilliant performance and I have seen it so many times in so many places over the years. From incredible provision in the early years to outstanding primary practice to extraordinary lessons in high schools, Academies and private schools. 

Someone once told me that if you don't love what you are doing, with a real passion, you are wasting your life and it's true. This business we are in is too important to be ordinary and if you aren't in love with the job you are doing you should take your magic and your potential and go and do something else!

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