Wednesday 27 April 2011

Command and Control Doesn't Work!

We all know that command and control doesn't work and we all need to wake up to the fact that what really, really matters is how we engage and enthuse children and young people as powerful learners with enormous potential...
We need listen to young people, trust them, empower them and to help them make informed choices. We need to focus on improving the skills, knowledge and understanding of the colleagues working with our children and young people, the quality of the leadership around them and the quality of the local services supporting our brilliant learning places. We must continue to nurture and support our local learning teams to encourage them to work together to ensure that they deliver brilliant provision for our children and young people. Let's take and share and celebrate the very best of what we do here in this country and also learn from the best practice anywhere we can find it; from Reggio Emilia, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Singapore and anywhere that will help us to continue to build brilliant provision for every child… whatever it takes!

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